Both men and women, the symptoms of heart attack are known to anxiety in the chest, but anyway women are known to sleep enough and Suspense fewer symptoms for women.
The doctors from the University of Alabama, Dr. Joseph Fritz warned the people of both sexes need to understand other symptoms between women and men.
The following is a symptom human differences between men and women at risk of heart problems:
1 for males
- Weakened wrong
- Cold sweat
- Dizziness
All these are the symptoms of heart attacks for men.
2 women
- Not enough sleep
- Poor digestion
- Suspense
These are all symptoms that women should pay attention.
However, Dr. Fritz put warning to people of both sexes to understand the different symptoms between men and sometimes it can not appear the same symptoms. If there are any serious problems one must not rush to the doctor. Based on the American Heart Association has also indicated that each year the rate of heart attacks happen on women than men.