High blood pressure that many Khmer people called the Blood (Hypertension) is a disease that is killing its people, and the world And no less people.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention American teenagers in the United States, approximately 1 in 3 experiencing high blood pressure. Factors which led to the disease occurs is due to problems tension, lack of food that contains enough nutrients and less gym. when high blood pressure, it will cause a risk to health as you risk heart attack, stroke, brain and kidney disease, among many symptoms. plant following the 7 not help treat high blood pressure to heal, but can help reduce blood pressure.
Mint: mint is an aromatic plant that can help reduce high blood pressure. You can drink from fresh leaves, mixed with soup or soup. Good thing if you have high blood pressure should grow (mint a small basin) and eat frequent regularly.
Cinnamon: You should eat as often as patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, especially those symptoms appear. You can eat a little by mixing with coffee.
Cardamom: the species of plants that have a lot of people in India and in South Asia prefer to combine with food.Ever past research has shown that eating a plant cardamom, combined with lower blood pressure.
Garlic: It is not only the types of plants need to make food taste, but it can also help to lower blood pressure too.
Phkaromyol or flower garden: the type of plants that can help to lower blood pressure, but experts suggest that the use is limited because the plant had two if eating too much will cause adverse health effects. They can be fed with hot water as a tea.
Cocoa: Numerous studies have shown that eating dark chocolate or cocoa-rich substance that flavonol named it also helps to reduce blood pressure. But you should not eat more cocoa, because it contains caffeine.
Cafe Blue: Blue Coffee Coffee was referring to the newly picked fruit not yet been recycled. This newly picked coffee contain acids that can help reduce high blood pressure. When they took the roasted coffee can contain acid, on the other (smell kerosene), but some researchers suggest that it may cause high blood pressure.