If you are a good human fear, disease, you should not be reading this article! The following are some symptoms that look dangerous ... but it can show today's fisheries.
1. Tooth decay = bad stomach
even tried to brush fasting should not eat and do all dentists and dental decay? Sure, you may have an excess of acid in the stomach!
2. = Hair loss, prostate cancer
in men, hair loss may be associated with prostate cancer. Numerous studies have shown that men with bald heads an average of 83 percent of prostate cancer.
3. Writing sensitivity = Parkinson's (disease vibration muscle fibers)
, write a sentence on paper. Now write it 9 times. How have noticed something different? If at any time you see more narrow and crowded narrow Budapest this may be the first clues about Parkinson's.
4. Inability to simple calculation = Alzheimer's
inability to simple calculator can be clues about Alzheimer's. If there is a problem from time to time is not a problem but if this issue on a regular basis, it could be a sign beforehand that when you central to Alzheimer's.
5. Snoring = heart disease,
snoring has been linked to cardiovascular talents in areas that can lead to stroke (stroke brain) and heart attacks.
Of course the above symptoms can be caused by other factors, so, do not panic. Was met with a doctor check whether you have a problem with. Although it was a minor symptoms, but it can tell you to be careful health advance.